vol. 3, no.16, 8/27/08

Capturing Your Buzz

cenicola-helvin ent.

Bigfoot is back! Well, not quite, but he was the buzz for a period in the news. Even though it turned out to be a hoax, word spread fast. Capturing the moment, or buzz at hand can work towards your advantage.

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E-Bits & Bytes
ebits 7 bytes article "More than one-third of US adult Internet users read online newspapers." - Pew Research Center for the People and the Press girl
Kaufman Enterprise Solutions featured client
Kaufman Enterprise Solutions
At KES, they provide executive-level expertise on a flexible budget. By hiring them as your outsourced Chief Financial Officer (CFO), you will add business savvy, professional perspective, and credibility to your firm, enabling you to effectively define and accomplish your business objective. Their Web site features both a professional design and integrated newsletter system.

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BannerMailer featured event
Las Vegas Business Seminar & Networking Event
Learn from experienced professionals doing business online as Mark Cenicola and Jeff Helvin from Cenicola-Helvin Enterprises, and David LeGrand and Ray Harris from Fennemore Craig present an interactive seminar on such topics as brand awareness, Web site promotion and intellectual property issues online.

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E-Business Solutions
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