Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Quick Tips

  1. If you have BannerOS, use the built-in SEO Recommendations feature. If you don't have BannerOS, use our web based SEO tool.
  2. Ensure you have a mobile friendly website.
  3. Make sure other high quality websites link to yours. Do not purchase back links from link farms or directories.
  4. Utilize proper headings (h1 to h6) in your page content.
  5. Ensure your main headings and page titles contain the primary keyword (main topic) of the page.
  6. Do not fill your pages with repetitious keywords (called keyword stuffing). Google may penalize you.
  7. Ensure your website images have short descriptive file names and descriptions (alt attributes).
  8. Make sure all your pages have a meta description. This is often shown in search engine results, so keep it short but make it enticing to potential visitors so they want to click the link to your website.
  9. Make sure your website has an XML sitemap. This helps search engines discover all your pages.
  10. Utilize Google Webmaster Tools (Google Search Console).
  11. Educate yourself by reading blogs and help documents, some of which are listed below:

Online SEO Resources


I updated my page titles and meta descriptions but the old data still appears in Google search results.
How do I change it in Google?

View Tutorial

How do I add Google Site Verification to my website?

View Tutorial
