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Import Mailing List Contacts

  1. From the BannerMailer Dashboard, click the Mailing Lists menu in the top navigation and choose Import, or click the Mailing Lists tab and click the Import List icon.
  2. Choose the mailing list you wish to import to.
  3. Choose the file you wish to import from your computer. it must be in CSV or tab-delimited format.
  4. Choose the File Type, Duplicate Records option, and Unsubscribed Records option.
    • Duplicate Records:
      • Ignore Duplicates will ignore any rows of your import file which contain an email address that already exists in the mailing list.
      • Update Duplicates will update the First and Last Name of your mailing list (when available) for any rows of your import file which contains an email address that already exists.
    • Unsubscribed Records:
      • Ignore Unsubscribed will ignore any rows of your import file which contain an email address that was previously unsubscribed.
      • Import and Update Unsubscribed will re-subscribe any email addresses that were previously unsubscribed.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. From each drop down, select the corresponding column of your import file for Email Address, First Name (optional), and Last Name (optional).
  7. Click Import. The results of the import are displayed on the success page.