Features of your blog publishing software

Unlimited Blog Articles

Blogging is a great way to provide fresh content for your visitors and attract traffic from search engines. You can post as many blog articles as you can write.

Built-In Sharing Options

Website visitors can share your blog articles via a built-in email form, or via social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter.

Categories and Tags

Organize your content with unlimited categories and tags to help your website visitors find the content they're looking for.

Feed Aggregator

Automatically import RSS based content with the built-in feed aggregator, with automatic updates at set intervals of your choice.

Scheduled Publish Dates

Write the blog article now, and schedule it to automatically publish live to your website on the day and time of your choosing.

RSS Feed by Category

Each category has its own RSS feed to allow website visitors to subscribe and be alerted via their feed reader of choice when you publish new articles.

WYSIWYG Editor (what you see is what you get)

With the built-in WYSIWYG editor, visually formatting your content is easy. The WYSIWYG editor is similar to a word processing program, giving you the ability to edit content, add images or videos, and create links in your articles.

Email Notifications

Receive an email notification when visitors submit new comments.

Article Statistics

See which categories and articles are being visited and how often with built-in stats.

Comment Moderation

Receive optional email notifications about new comments, and approve or deny them before they post to your website.

Flexible Blog Layouts

For more advanced users, the layouts of your blog's listing and display pages are limited only by your creativity.

More Than Just Blogging

BannerBeat is a useful tool for many kinds of listing-based content. Advanced users can take advantage of custom fields and layouts to create a user-friendly process for updating listing-based content such as press releases and company news.

Get your content publishing & marketing program in gear. Try BannerBeat for FREE for 30 days when you get BannerOS.
